Christmas is just around the corner, which means yours truly will soon be overindulging in egg nog and holiday themed slashers. This year, I set aside my regular viewing in favor of some lesser known films that never really grabbed my attention before. The first of those is Don't Open Till Christmas, a 1984 British "whodunit" starring (and sort of directed by) the late Edmund Purdom. My first brush with this one was at a Christmas Eve party a few years ago. I put it on when things started to die down, but fell asleep around the 30 minute mark. Maybe I was too high? Maybe the movie was just really boring? The only way to know for sure was to watch it with a clear head, and after doing so I wouldn't suggest it to anyone.

Don't Open Till Christmas is a very misleading title for a film that looks like it takes place in the middle of April. The atmosphere is terrible, and at times seeing a guy in a santa suit was the only thing there to remind me that this film DOES in fact, take place around Christmas. I know that the UK went through the whole "video nasties" thing in the 80's, so I wasn't expecting much in the gore department. Surprisingly there were one or two cool kills (including a dude who gets his cock lobbed off), but the rest were easily forgettable. I'm not kidding... I honestly don't even remember how half of the people in this movie died. The ending was one of the funniest things I have seen in awhile an--- dude, you know what? I'm just going to spoil this for you guys. No one should have to sit through this dreck so here you go.
Detective Harris receives a package in the mail that says "Don't Open Till Christmas" and, for whatever reason, abides. When he finally does open it, he quickly learns that its a bomb. A bomb from his brother, Giles... the so called reporter guy. Giles was traumatized as a child on Christmas when he caught his father in a santa suit having an affair with some random. The boys mother also sees this and is so shocked that she falls down a staircase to her death. Giles was sent to the nuthouse and his detective brother did everything in his power to cover it up, but ultimately gets blown to bits. So....theres your big reveal.
Back to the bomb though! That shit was AWESOME. The whole thing literally takes place in a matter of seconds... so if you blink you might miss it. I think that, combined with the fact that the scene literally comes out of nowhere is what had me doubled over with laughter. Its just cheaply tacked on at the end... and as soon as the package starts to explode, the screen immediately fades to black and credits roll. If only the other 77 minutes of the film were this entertaining...
Don't Open Till Christmas? Don't Open this one at all.
Don't Open Till Christmas? Don't Open this one at all.